Sunday, February 8, 2015

How To Use Twitter On Blog

How to use twitter on blog is important as twitter is a widely known social media in the world where millions of users tweet their messages, events, news, market products, businesses and more daily.
If you have a product or you are an affiliate marketer or entrepreneur, one of the social media you should get involved with for traffic and leads to your blog is Twitter.
If you have a blog and want to direct traffic from twitter there, here are some strategies on how to use twitter in internet marketing and blogs.

Let's get on with it;

1)  Show value to your twitter followers
There are many spams and links out there and it is hard to stand out and be in the spot light.The best way to get known and recognized by your tweet followers is, if you give your followers actual value.
This could be tips, advice or nuggets of useful informations.Your followers with interest in your market will actually like this.It establishes credibility and positions you as an actual expert in your industry and market.
People are more likely to listen to your recommendations in the future once you start building that trust with your followers.

2)  Connect with your followers
This is the second suggestion on how to use twitter on blog. Twitter is a social network, so be social  as it helps credibility and reputation. Ask questions and also get people to ask questions and give them great answers as it again positions you as an expert and authority figure in target market. This means you gain trust and get traffic to any links you actually put out there including your blog.

3)  Protect your business reputation
Always remember you are branding yourself as well as your business. Stay clear of controversial topics like religion, politics e.t.c or anything else that diverse your followers because, controversy in anyway may be unfriendly to part of your follower base.
Though we all have opinions and are passionate about certain topics but being controversial may harm your business as well as your business reputation which ultimately may hurt your profit opportunities.

4)  Tweet daily
In working on how to use twitter on your blog, be consistent with your tweets. Like i will suggest you try set apart 30minutes daily to interact with followers on twitter.
Answer direct messages, questions also be involved with conversations. This helps build your followers over time and also show people that you are actually there with consistent presence which helps followers relate to you.
You become a regular fixture in their tweets as they check on your tweets to your blog or any other sites rather than resenting them.

5)  Post useful links
One of the most important tips on how to use twitter on your blog, is to post useful links while you tweet. Don't always post sales link, send out useful resources that will help other people. Re-tweet useful links others submit on twitter and as you do, you gain recognition and reputation.
You become an asset and valuable resource of your twitter followers.

Now if you apply these tweet tips in your business,  you will notice a dramatic rise in your trust , reputation, credibility and also trust to your links and blogs with clicks.
This is far better than putting scam links.
Stay clear of anything that may upset your follower base .
Create consistent presence, this often translate to more traffic for you and what ever you are promoting in your blog.
What do you think should be number 6 tip on how to use twitter on blog? Leave your comments

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